Thursday, August 16, 2012

First Post

Hey Jammers! Here is my first mini blog, AJ Shamans! Since in today's update (the update of 8/16/12) AJHQ hinted that they are BRNGING BACK THE SHAMANS!!! Good job everyone who support snowyclaw's jamaasian movement. I do support the main idea, I just believe in Zios and the phantoms, and snowyclaw believes in Mira. Here I will post stories, pictures, and other cool stuff about the shamans or from beta. Here are a few pictures I have to share.
You like? I hope AJ brings back the old crystal sands. It was so much more beautiful. It still had the juice hut, plus it had a Sir Gilbert cave, tikis, and so much more nature! I prefer it much more than the waterslides. What do you think? That is all I have for now Jammers, Bye!


  1. Hi Tay! Kewl blog you have here! I know you've been telling me that you've had a Blog! You can check out mine at The Jammer Central. See you in Jamaa!

    1. Hey citruscove! I saw your blog. It is sooo epic! This is my mini blog for shamans, but I'm glad you like it!
